Exercise (and
for the most part that's involved running) has always been a huge
part of my life. Sometimes when I'm in a good zone I like to think
of myself as a pure 'athlete', and then there are other times when
I think of my exercise as purely as a tool to better manage my diabetes.
It's been a source of enjoyment, frustration, and contentment; sometimes
all within the same run. Even as I sit to compose my story, I come
up with more adjectives to describe what I've gotten out of running
and what it's meant for me. The point is my parents told me I could
do anything, regardless of having diabetes - and I chose to be an
exercise junkie.
I can't tell
you how many times I heard the word 'no you can't, you're diabetic,'
as a child. Not by my parents mind you, but by others who knew very
little about diabetes. My parents encouraged me to do whatever I
wanted, regardless of the obstacles put up by others. I chose to
try and spread the word that those with diabetes can do anything.
Parents, never
hold your kids back regardless of any fears you might have, you'll
be surprised at just what your children can achieve, despite what
others may label as a 'handicap.'