Utah Border-to-Border Ride: Rider Profiles
Date: Destination, Miles
4/1: S Border (pre-ride), 0 mi
4/2: Cedar City, 77.9 mi
4/3: Milford, 53.5
4/4: Delta, 74.1
4/5: Santaquin, 71.8
4/6: West Valley City, 68.0
4/7: Ogden, 42.5
4/8: Northern Border, 63.1
4/9: South Tow Center, 15.0
Total: 465 miles


Pete Hoogenboom
Age: 46
Diabetes: 31 years
Home: Salt Lake City, UT
Enjoys: Cycling and hiking
Job: Web Developer at the University of Utah Health Sciences Center

Why He's Riding:
I've been active all my life, doing my own thing, to help keep the diabetes complications down. Exercise is my weapon. When I met Kim Hale, we decided to start "No Limits Cycling." I have a story to share and I hope it inspires other to take care of themselves. Let's get the message out, however we can.

Dave Nevins
Age: 42
Diabetes: 30 years
Home: Boise, ID
Enjoys: trail runner, mountain biking, climbing, bouldering, and bungee jumping.
Job: works at an outdoor store.

Why He's Riding:
Diabetes is a challenge and it stinks, at times, but I'm going to overcome it. Diabetes is a cruel disease; if you don't take care of yourself, it can bite you, in the form of complications (blindness, kidney damage, limb amputation, etc). I've been able to do extraordinary things and other people with diabetes can too. I was excited to do this ride with other people with diabetes. I want to be inspired and I want to inspire others.
Border to Border Rider Profiles

Kim Hale
Age: 46
Diabetes: 8 years
Home: Salt Lake City, UT
Enjoys: cycling, snowboarding, wake boarding, barefoot waterskiing.
Job: medical sales

Why He's Riding:
I'm riding to show there are "No Limits." I want to show that every person with diabetes can do anything they want. Diabetes doesn't have to be debilitating or an excuse. In fact, diabetes can be a great tool to be the best you can be.

Matt Score
Age: 20
Diabetes: NA
Home: Boise, ID
Enjoys: running, bungee jumping, cycling, backpacking, SCUBA diving.
Job: student, Boise State University

Why He's Riding:
I met Dave Nevins bungee jumping. I'm here to support and help the riders. After surviving cancer, I decided I would push myself, no matter what I put my mind to. If someone says, "That's not possible," I love to go out and prove them wrong. That's what "No Limits Cycling" is all about and I'm excited to be a part of this ride.
Border to Border Rider Profiles

Matt Vogel
Age: 29
Diabetes: 15 years
Home: San Francisco, CA
Enjoys: triathlon, skiing, snowboarding, hiking, and snowshoeing.
Job: medical sales

Why He's Riding:
I'm riding to show that people with diabetes can do anything. I'm excited to see how far I can push myself. I'm honored to ride with "No Limits Cycling."

Derek Smith
Age: 37
Diabetes: NA
Home: Salt Lake City, UT
Job: Creative Consultant
Enjoys: traveling, trying new restaurants, golf, hiking, poker.

Why He's Riding:
I was given the opportunity to work with Kim. I saw the long-term vision of what this could be. Working closely with the riders has shown me that suffering from diabetes is a choice. "No Limts" stands for choosing to live a healthier, better life. I saw this as an avenue to bring diabetes awareness to the masses.